تعمير تعمير الأرض وأهمية الغرس في ضوء السنة النبوية


  • عبد الرزاق احمد عبد الرزاق


Islam is a religion that God wanted to be a platform emerges from human steps in various walks of devotional and economic life, etc, so it went Islam, guids human beings being as successor of God on earth.

 The result that the worship of man for the Lord, which is one of the reconstruction of the land that is the secret of the sustainability of human life on the ground, often urged the Sunnah on the reconstruction of the earth and the importance of planting them and paired the reconstruction work that obtained by the human reward which would Allah his home in the Hereafter, There construction of the earth does not involve just planting them; it takes many forms Maintaining them and not marring the form of reconstruction and other things that would make the land and its neighborhoods.


