كتاب (تاريخ مسلمي صقلية) لمكيلي اماري (ت ٧ ۰ ٣ ١ هـ/٩ ٨٨ ١م) - دراسة في المنهجية -


  • منال حسن عكلة عداي




      Sicily is an island in southern Italy that was ruled by Muslim Arabs for a long period of time. Arab sources sometimes dealt with this period briefly and sometimes at length, but Michele Amari devoted three volumes in which he talked about Arab rule in Sicily during a period when he witnessed many urban monuments himself, so we studied this book and evaluated it. From a methodological standpoint, especially since the Arab rule left positive effects during its rule of Sicily, as it transformed it from a politically divided society with an exhausted social entity, into a prosperous society in many aspects, intellectually, politically, and socially. Thus, that emirate turned into a strong emirate to which many people from different backgrounds flocked. around the world .


