الرياضة الرياضة في الاندلس (ركوب الخيل انموذجا)


  • رغد جمال مناف


              Riding in Andalusia was a sport emphasized by Islam. It also works to strengthen the muscles, prevent them from sagging, gain vitality and vitality, regulate blood circulation and improve brain and heart function. The research we discussed in the study is not limited to a particular class. Most Andalusian rulers practiced equestrian And they hold concerts and competitions of horse competition, as happened during the reign of Caliph al-Hakam al-Mustansir and Muzaffar ibn Abi Amer and the governor adopted Ben Abbad and the Caliph Muhammad bin Bani al-Ahmar, the governor of the city of Granada in the presence of the great poets such as the son of Abu Salt and Ibn Zamark, which shows us that this type of horseback riding In Andalusian society.


